England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

On this day 21-9-1937

Death in Edinburgh of (Jessie) Chrystal Macmillan (1872-1937), barrister, pacifist and campaigner for women’s suffrage who always retained her allegiance to the Liberal Party. She stood for election to Parliament just once, at Edinburgh North in the 1935 general election, but came third losing her deposit. Macmillan’s main achievements were in the cause of feminism, equal rights and women’s suffrage. She served on the executive of the NUWSS but resigned when war broke out in 1914. She was called to the bar in 1924, one of the first generation of female barristers. Earlier she had written two influential pamphlets, The Struggle for Political Liberty (1909) and Facts versus Fancies on Woman Suffrage (1914).