England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

On this day 11-1-1889

Born Vera Boucher, she stood for Wycombe at the 1922 general election securing second place. She was elected at the following election using the slogan ‘put Terrington on top’, defeating a Unionist and becoming one of eight female MPs. Her time in parliament was short but active, she spoke in support of animal rights, farmers, local rural housing and giving parents equal rights in the custody of children. Her maiden speech was seconding a motion on abolishing the means test for old age pensions. She lost her seat the following year and did not stand for parliament again, although re-adopted for Wycombe in 1925, but remained active in the party as a member of the Women’s Liberal Federation. She moved to South Africa for a while but returned to the UK where she died in 1973 aged 84.