Portrait of Robert Lowe

Lowe, Robert

Portrait of Joan Walmsley

Walmsley, Joan

Portrait of Lindsay Northover

Northover, Lindsay

Portrait of Kath Pinnock

Pinnock, Kath

Portrait of Judith Jolly

Jolly, Judith

Portrait of Rufus Isaacs

Isaacs, Rufus

Portrait of Diana Maddock

Maddock, Diana

Portrait of David Davies

Davies, David

Portrait of William Robson

Robson, William

Portrait of Geoff Tordoff

Tordoff, Geoff

Portrait of James Bryce

Bryce, James

Portrait of Robert Reid

Reid, Robert

Portrait of E. D. Simon

Simon, Ernest

Portrait of Lynne Featherstone

Featherstone, Lynne

Portrait of David Shutt

Shutt, David

Long term Liberal and Liberal Democrat councillor on Calderdale Council from 1973. Created a life peer in 2000, David Shutt served as Liberal Democrat deputy chief whip from 2005 and as government deputy chief whip in the Lords from 2010 to 2012.

Portrait of Raymond Asquith

Asquith, Raymond

The Earl of Oxford and Asquith, (Raymond Asquith) the great-grandson of H. H. Asquith and currently the newest member of the Liberal Democrat team in the House of Lords.

Portrait of Malcolm Bruce

Bruce, Malcolm