England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal Issues

  • Journal of Liberal History 121

    Liberal history news (Editorial; Michael Steed – An appreciation); Millicent Garrett Fawcett 1847–1929 – Introduction to Liberal history series; by Tony Little; Transatlantic Liberalism: Britain and the United States, 1870–1920; by Kenneth O. Morgan; Jo Grimond: An essay on power – Mark Egan introduces Jo Grimond’s article from 1970; ‘Like the early Christians in Rome’…

  • Journal of Liberal History 120

    Liberal history news (Peter Hellyer, 7 November 1947 – 2 July 2023; Memories of a previous Uxbridge by-election; Candidates Directories published); William Gladstone and the question of slavery, 1832–33 (John Powell); John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty (James Moore); The Liberal Democrat performance in the 2023 local elections: Breakthrough or consolidation? (John Curtice); Meeting report –…

  • Journal of Liberal History 119 – Special issue: the Lloyd George coalition governments

    In this issue: Lloyd George and the hard-faced men, 1918–22 4 (Kenneth O. Morgan); Lloyd George, the Liberal crisis, and the Unionist Party during the First World War (Matthew Johnson); A Prime Minister of the left in coalition with the right: Lloyd George and the Unionists, 1918–22 (Alistair Lexden); The Odd Couple: Lloyd George, Austen…

  • Journal of Liberal History 118

    Liberal history news – Editorial, Frederick Horniman, Richard Cobden: Manchester Citizen to ‘International Man’, corrigendum. Letters to the Editor – Lincoln Liberal Club (York Membery); Stop the Tour! (Peter Hain); Free trade and the Liberal Party – Introduction to Liberal history series (Duncan Brack); Gladstone, the Liberal Party and the impact of North American politics…

  • Journal of Liberal History 117

    In this issue: Liberal history news – Editorial; Obituary: Nigel Jones; Liberal Party candidate election photos; Letters to the Editor – The Two Davids (John Smithson and David Steel), Trevor Wilson (Martin Pugh); Herbert Lewis and the South African war, 1899–1902 (Brendon Jones); Sefton and Derby: Politics, principle and opportunity (Hugh Gault); Lloyd George’s French connection (Kenneth O. Morgan); Lib Dems…

  • Journal of Liberal History 116

    In this issue: Liberal history news – Obituaries: David Chidgey, Trevor Wilson; New subscription options for the Journal of Liberal History; Letters to the Editor – The two Davids: Owen vs Steel (Michael Meadowcroft); Cromwell’s statue and the fall of the Liberal government in 1895 (William Wallace); Solving the ‘problem’ of the twentieth century (Ewan…

  • Journal of Liberal History 115

    In this issue: A Liberal for all seasons, part 2 (David Dutton); John Stuart Mill: A neo-Athenian republican (John Ayshford); meeting report – The two Davids: Owen vs Steel (James Moore); review of Gopnik, A Thousand Small Sanities: The Moral Adventure of Liberalism (Malcolm Baines); review of Reekes and Roberts, George Dawson and his Circle…

  • Journal of Liberal History 114 – Special issue: The Liberal Party and the American Civil War

    In this issue: The Liberal Party and the American Civil War (Eugenio Biagini); Letting someone else have your way (Duncan Andrew Campbell); ‘The voice of reason’ (Shannon Westwood); John Stuart Mill, moral outrage and the American Civil War (Timothy Larsen); ‘An undoubted error, the most singular and palpable’ (Tony Little); Commerce, conscience and constitutions (Graham…

  • Journal of Liberal History 113

    In this issue: The Black Book and the reform of public life in early nineteenth-century Britain (Ian Cawood); Lloyd George and the Versailles Treaty (Alistair Lexden); A Liberal for All Seasons? (David Dutton); meeting report – Liberalism in the United States (Neil Stockley); review of Dunt, How to be a Liberal (Michael Steed); review of…

  • Journal of Liberal History 112

    In this issue: Shirley Williams (Dick Newby); Bertha Bowness Fischer (Kathryn Rix); Lloyd George, the Liberal Summer Schools and electoral politics in the 1920s (Aaron Jacob); The Liberal rise in Richmond (Mark Egan and David Williams); meeting report – Asquith versus Lloyd George (Katheryn Gallant); meeting report – Back from the dead: the Liberal Party…

  • Journal of Liberal History 111

    In this issue: T. Edmund Harvey (Mark Frankel); Lord Tony Greaves (Michael Meadowcroft); Vision in a time of crisis (John Ayshford); ‘Universally respected, admired and … disliked’ (Jim McGowan); meeting report – Liberals with a radical programme: the post-war welfare state, Beveridge and the Liberal Party 75 years on (David Cloke); review of Otte, Statesman…

  • Journal of Liberal History 110 – Special issue: Early nineteenth-century Liberalism

    In this issue: Early Liberalism – a search for origins (James Moore); Peterloo: the English Uprising (Robert Poole); Henry Hunt, Peterloo, Whigs and Liberals (John Belchem); ‘Not straight but serpentine’ (Stephen Lee); The Pisan Triumvirate (Ian Macgregor Morris); Liberalism and the Lancashire electorate (Michael Winstanley); meeting report – The Peterloo massacre and nineteenth-century popular radicalism…

  • Journal of Liberal History 109

    In this issue: What Honor did next (Helen Langley); William Ewart Gladstone (Simon Heffer); Some cornerstones still in place (Tudor Jones); review of Clarke, Kind of Blue: A political memoir, Cameron, For the Record and Letwin, Hearts and Minds: The battle for the Conservative Party from Thatcher to the present (Duncan Brack); review of Hargreaves,…

  • Journal of Liberal History 108

    In this issue: Liberal Democrat leadership performance; Jo Swinson as leader; The two Henry Redhead Yorkes, radical to liberal (Amanda Goodrich); Another Madam Mayor (Jaime Reynolds); meeting report – General election 2019 (Neil Stockley); review of Fieldhouse et al, Electoral Shocks (Duncan Brack); review of Cowley and Kavanagh, The British General Election of 2015 and…

  • Journal of Liberal History 107

    In this issue: Old heroes for a new leader (Ed Davey and Layla Moran); Five Liberal women and politics (Alan Mumford); Lloyd George and an Anglo-Irish centenary (Alistair Lexden); Parliamentary Archive at the House of Lords (Dr J. Graham Jones); review of Lee Sykes, Losing from the Inside (Michael Meadowcroft); review of Bale, Webb and…

  • Journal of Liberal History 106

    In this issue: Asquith’s return to parliament at the 1920 Paisley by-election (Hugh Gault); Robert Maclennan (Lord Maclennan of Rogart) (Michael Meadowcroft); Northampton and the democratic radical tradition (Tim Hughes); meeting report – The 1979 general election (Neil Stockley); review of Jones, The Uneven Path of British Liberalism (William Wallace); review of Waugh, Sir Henry…

  • Journal of Liberal History 105

    In this issue: Gambling on Brexit – analysis of the Liberal Democrat performance in the 2019 general election (John Curtice); Liberal Democrat leadership performance – Comparative table of leadership performance updated to December 2019; The ‘Mangold’s Champion’ – Lloyd George, the Game Laws and the campaign for rural land reform in Edwardian England (Stephen Ridgwell); Birmingham,…

  • Journal of Liberal History 104

    In this issue: Vince Cable as leader – interview with Vince Cable on his period as leader of the Liberal Democrats; Liberal Democrat leadership performance table; E. D. Simon: Intellectual in politics – biography of E. D. Simon, 1st Baron Simon of Wythenshawe (David Dutton); The Liberal Democrat performance in the 2019 European election (John…

  • Journal of Liberal History 103

    In this issue: OId heroes for a new leader: Liberal Democrat leadership candidates’ historical heroes (Ed Davey, Jo Swinson); Welsh Liberal Party 1966–70: New beginnings and the challenge of Plaid Cymru (Nicholas Alderton); Lloyd George’s presidency of the Board of Trade (Ian Ivatt); A lifetime in Liberalism: where do we go now? (The fourth Viv…

  • Journal of Liberal History 102

    In this issue: Paddy Ashdown – An Appreciation (Michael Meadowcroft); Writing about Paddy (Neil Stockley); The long-lived Liberal Party of Canada (Tom Axworthy and Lorna Marsden); ‘Vote for Mr Crum and one other Liberal’ (David Hanson MP); Europe – The Liberal Commitment, with Anthony Howe and Eugenio Biagini (meeting report by Neil Stockley); review of…