England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

The two Davids: Steel versus Owen

Date of event: 17 September 2021
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Liberal History Events are about 1631836800 Liberal Democrat autumn conference

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Liberal History Events speaker are about 1631836800 Liberal Democrat autumn conference


Liberal History Events events are about 1631836800 Liberal Democrat autumn conference

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Liberal History Events events are about 1631836800 Liberal Democrat autumn conference

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Liberal History Events subjects are about 1631836800 Liberal Democrat autumn conference

In 1981 the alliance between the Liberal Party and the newly founded SDP was agreed; the two parties would fight elections together on a joint platform with join candidates. Between 1983 and 1987, however, the working relationship between the Liberal leader, David Steel, and his SDP counterpart, Dr David Owen, became increasingly marked by tension and distrust. Steel became steadily more frustrated at Owen’s resistance to joint selection of candidates, and any convergence on policy proposals. The Liberal Party and the SDP clashed over some issues, most notably nuclear weapons. In particular, Owen strongly opposed any long-term moves to merge the two parties.

The clash became painfully obvious during the 1987 general election campaign, when Steel ruled out supporting a minority Thatcher government while Owen was adamant that Labour was unfit to govern. The results of the election were disappointing for both parties. The leadership tensions ultimately wrecked the Alliance.

Discuss what went wrong with Sir Graham Watson (Steel’s former Head of Office) and Roger Carroll (former SDP Communications Director). Chair: Christine Jardine MP.