England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

The legacy of Roy Jenkins

Date of event: 27 June 2016
Event location: House of Lords, Westminster (please allow 20 minutes to get through security)

Liberal History Events are about 1466985600 Committee Room 4A House of Lords, Westminster (please allow 20 minutes to get through security)

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Liberal History Events events are about 1466985600 Committee Room 4A House of Lords, Westminster (please allow 20 minutes to get through security)

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Roy Jenkins is best remembered in Liberal Democrat circles as one of the ‘Gang of Four’ who established the Social Democratic Party, the SDP’s first leader, and then a staunch supporter of merger with the Liberal Party. But even as a Labour politician he had a liberal record. In his first two years as Home Secretary (which started just over fifty years ago), he abolished theatre censorship, passed the first effective legislation to outlaw racial discrimination and delivered government support for private members’ bills on the legalisation of homosexuality and on abortion. In 1972 he led the major Labour rebellion that saved the Conservative government’s legislation to take Britain into the European Community.

John Campbell (author of Roy Jenkins: A Well-Rounded Life) and Lord David Steel (Leader of the Liberal Party 1976-88) discuss how much liberalism in Britain owes to Roy Jenkins. Chair: Dick Newby (Liberal Democrat Chief Whip, House of Lords, and the SDP’s National Secretary  1983-88).

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