England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Europe: the Liberal commitment

Date of event: 16 September 2018
Event location: King’s Road, Brighton, BN1

Liberal History Events are about 1537056000 Sandringham Suite, Hilton Brighton Metropole King’s Road, Brighton, BN1


Liberal History Events speaker are about 1537056000 Sandringham Suite, Hilton Brighton Metropole King’s Road, Brighton, BN1


Liberal History Events events are about 1537056000 Sandringham Suite, Hilton Brighton Metropole King’s Road, Brighton, BN1

This event appears in the Journal:

Liberal History Events subjects are about 1537056000 Sandringham Suite, Hilton Brighton Metropole King’s Road, Brighton, BN1

Why have the Liberal Democrats, and their Liberal and SDP predecessors, always supported the European project and membership of the EU?

The historical origins of the Liberal commitment to Europe stretch back to the nineteenth century. The next Liberal Democrat History Group meeting will feature a discussion on the issues with Anthony Howe (Professor of Modern History, University of East Anglia; author of Free Trade and Liberal England, 1846-1946 and editor of the collected letters of the leading British radical Richard Cobden) and Eugenio Biagini (Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Cambridge; author of works on Gladstonian liberalism, the Italian Risorgimento, and Ireland). Chair: Baroness Julie Smith (Director of the European Centre and Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Cambridge).

A fringe meeting at the Liberal Democrat conference in September (no conference pass necessary).