England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Defender of Liberties: Charles James Fox

Date of event: 3 March 2006
Event location:

Liberal History Events are about 1141344000 Queens Suite Room 5, Harrogate International Centre

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Liberal History Events speaker are about 1141344000 Queens Suite Room 5, Harrogate International Centre


Liberal History Events events are about 1141344000 Queens Suite Room 5, Harrogate International Centre

Historical Subjects:

Liberal History Events events are about 1141344000 Queens Suite Room 5, Harrogate International Centre

This event appears in the Journal:

Liberal History Events subjects are about 1141344000 Queens Suite Room 5, Harrogate International Centre

2006 saw the bicentary of the death of the Whig leader Charles James Fox. A proponent of the supremacy of Parliament, the freedom of the press and the rights and civil liberties of the people, and a believer in reform, rationalism and progress, rather than repression, the ideas he defended particularly over the challenge of the state to the liberties of the individual in time of war are as relevant to our own times as to those of the Britain of 200 years ago.