England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Liberals with a radical programme: The post-war welfare state, Beveridge and the Liberal Party 75 years on

Date of event: 26 September 2020
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Liberal History Events are about 1601078400


Liberal History Events speaker are about 1601078400


Liberal History Events events are about 1601078400

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2020 marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the 1945 general election and the beginning of the creation of the post-war welfare state.

While the system of social security introduced after 1945 is often heralded as one of the greatest achievements of the Labour Party, its intellectual origins and design were primarily owed to Liberal thinkers and politicians stretching back over several decades.

Join us to discuss these issues with Professor Pat Thane (Birkbeck College) and Dr Peter Sloman (University of Cambridge). Chair: Baroness Tyler.

This fringe meeting will be held online as part of the the Liberal Democrat autumn conference, and will be open only to those who have registered for the conference.