England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Think Liberal: The Dictionary of Liberal Thought

Date of event: 2 March 2007
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Liberal History Events are about 1172793600 Charter Suite, Holiday Inn Hotel, Harrogate

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Liberal History Events speaker are about 1172793600 Charter Suite, Holiday Inn Hotel, Harrogate


Liberal History Events events are about 1172793600 Charter Suite, Holiday Inn Hotel, Harrogate

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Liberal History Events subjects are about 1172793600 Charter Suite, Holiday Inn Hotel, Harrogate

‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.’ Locke, Bentham, Mill, Hobhouse, Keynes, Rawls … Liberalism has been built on more than three centuries work of political thinkers and writers, and the aspirations of countless human beings who have fought for freedom, democracy, the rule of law and open and tolerant societies.

Now, in the first-ever such publication, the History Group’s Dictionary of Liberal Thought provides an accessible guide to the key thinkers, groups and concepts associated with liberalism – not only British but also European and American. The essential reference book for every thinking Liberal.

This meeting will launch the new Dictionary of Liberal Thought.

Speakers: David Howarth MP and Michael Meadowcroft. Chair: Steve Webb MP, Liberal Democrat manifesto coordinator.