England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Yellow Book versus Orange Book: Is it time for a new New Liberalism?

Date of event: 20 September 2006
Event location:

Liberal History Events are about 1158710400 Library, Hilton Metropole Hotel, Brighton


Liberal History Events speaker are about 1158710400 Library, Hilton Metropole Hotel, Brighton


Liberal History Events events are about 1158710400 Library, Hilton Metropole Hotel, Brighton

This event appears in the Journal:

Liberal History Events subjects are about 1158710400 Library, Hilton Metropole Hotel, Brighton

A hundred years ago, the Liberal landslide victory in the 1906 election opened the way for a period of radical social reform based on the social-liberal ideology of the New Liberalism.

British Liberalism changed decisively from its nineteenth-century Gladstonian inheritance of non-interventionism in economic and social issues to accepting a much more activist role for the state, exemplified by the introduction of graduated income tax, old-age pensions and national insurance. With a few exceptions, the party adhered to this social liberalism throughout the remainder of the century.

In 2004, the authors of the Orange Book: Reclaiming Liberalism challenged this nanny-state liberalism and argued that the Liberal Democrats needed to return to their nineteenth-century heritage and reclaim economic liberalism.
Which way now for the Liberal Democrats? What can we draw from the lessons of history? Debate the question with Paul Marshall, co-editor of the Orange Book and its successor, and Ed Randall, co-editor of the Dictionary of Liberal Thought.