England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal of Liberal History 98 – Special issue: The Liberal commitment to Europe

Liberals, Free Trade and Europe (Anthony Howe); The ‘European Mind’ of Late Victorian Liberalism (Eugenio Biagini); ‘Pacifism is not enough; nor patriotism, either’ – The Life of Philip Kerr, Lord Lothian (David Grace); The Liberal Contribution to the Council of Europe (Robert Ingham); How the Liberal Party Became Committed to the European Union (William Wallace); Liberal Parties in Europe (Julie Smith); Interview – Shirley Williams, the SDP and Europe (Peter Hennessy and Duncan Brack); Review – Verhofstadt, Europe’s Last Chance (Graham Watson); Review – Duff, On Governing Europe (Tim Oliver).