England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal of Liberal History 120

Liberal history news (Peter Hellyer, 7 November 1947 – 2 July 2023; Memories of a previous Uxbridge by-election; Candidates Directories published); William Gladstone and the question of slavery, 1832–33 (John Powell); John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty (James Moore); The Liberal Democrat performance in the 2023 local elections: Breakthrough or consolidation? (John Curtice); Meeting report – Shirley Williams: Liberal lion and trailblazer (Neil Stockley); Review: Torrance, A History of the Scottish Liberals and Liberal Democrats (Jim Wallace); Bogdanor, The Strange Survival of Liberal Britain (Iain Sharpe); O’Brien, The Campaigns of Margaret Lloyd George (Russell Deacon); Liddle, Cheers Mr Churchill: Winston in Scotland (Ian Cawood); Letters to the Editor: Lib Dems in the cities (Jon Hunt); Colin Coote (Malcolm Baines); Peter Hain (David Yates).

Available from the Liberal History shop.