England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal of Liberal History 119 – Special issue: the Lloyd George coalition governments

In this issue: Lloyd George and the hard-faced men, 1918–22 4 (Kenneth O. Morgan); Lloyd George, the Liberal crisis, and the Unionist Party during the First World War (Matthew Johnson); A Prime Minister of the left in coalition with the right: Lloyd George and the Unionists, 1918–22 (Alistair Lexden); The Odd Couple: Lloyd George, Austen Chamberlain and the post-war coalition, 1918–22 (David Dutton); The Lloyd George coalition governments: labour and industrial relations (Chris Wrigley); Lloyd George and the 1922 Committee (Alistair Lexden).

Available from the Liberal History shop.