England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal of Liberal History 118

Liberal history news – Editorial, Frederick Horniman, Richard Cobden: Manchester Citizen to ‘International Man’, corrigendum. Letters to the Editor – Lincoln Liberal Club (York Membery); Stop the Tour! (Peter Hain); Free trade and the Liberal Party – Introduction to Liberal history series (Duncan Brack); Gladstone, the Liberal Party and the impact of North American politics and war, 1855–85 (Neils Eichhorn); Meeting report – Was the coalition a mistake? Why did we fail to stop Brexit? (Neil Stockley); Meeting report –Forgotten Liberal heroes: Grey and Haldane (Gianni Sarra);
Reviews – Purvis, Christabel Pankhurst: A Biography (Jaime Reynolds); Kyrle, The Liberals in Hampshire, Part 5 (Mark Egan); Goldenberg, Walking through Different Worlds: Annoying people for good (William Wallace); Williamson, Europe and the Decline of Social Democracy in Britain (Neil Stockley)

Available from the Liberal History shop.