England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Liberal leaders booklets clearance sale

For a limited period, we are cutting the price of the two booklets below by 50 per cent – with a further 20 per cent reduction for subscribers to the Journal of Liberal History.

Liberal Leaders of the Nineteenth Century

This forty-page booklet contains concise biographies of every Liberal leader from the Great Reform Act to the end of the nineteenth century – the heyday of the Liberal Party. The total of eleven biographies stretches from Lord Grey to Sir William Harcourt, including such towering figures as Viscount Melbourne, Lord John Russell, Lord Palmerston and William Ewart Gladstone.

Normal price £4; special offer price £2 (plus postage). 20% discount for Journal of Liberal History subscribers.

Liberal Leaders since 1900

The sixty-page booklet contains concise biographies of every Liberal, Social Democrat and Liberal Democrat leader since 1900. The total of sixteen biographies stretches from Henry Campbell-Bannerman to Nick Clegg, including such figures as H. H. Asquith, David Lloyd George, Jo Grimond, David Steel, David Owen and Paddy Ashdown. (Up to date as of 2013.)

Normal price £6; special offer price £3 (plus postage). 20% discount for Journal of Liberal History subscribers.